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机械零部件加工、汽车减震器,工业阀门,青贮机、深松机 电话咨询 186****9930 手机浏览 纠错/管理
翁旗鸿宇精密机械有限公司  翁牛特旗鸿宇精密机械有限公司位于翁旗玉龙工业园区北区,是从大连引进的以精密机械制造为主的企业。主要生产汽车减震器零部件、液压系统配件和工业阀门及零部件、减速机、农业自走式饲料收获机等产品。公司研发的“鸿宇牌”系列产品已经通过ISO9001质量体系认证,产品销往日本、韩国、新加坡、英国等20多个国家。 项目总投资3.5亿元,占地167亩。2009年,企业投资1.3亿元,完成了机械加工车间、精密铸造车间、下料喷漆车间等建设工程,并于当年投入生产。2010年,公司投资9500万元,实施了减速机车间、沙型铸造车间、全自动机械加工车间、组装车间、锻造车间等工程建设,现已建成投产,年加工精密配件20万件,生产减速机7200台,实现年产值2.2亿元;2012年,公司投资1.25亿元,启动建设了农业自走式饲料收获机生产项目,正在进行生产车间建设。现已量产. Wengniuteqi Hongyu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in north park of Weng Qi Yulong Industrial Park , and is introduced from Dalian which is specialized in precision machinery manufacturing . The main production automobile shock absorber parts, accessories for hydraulic systems, and industrial valves and parts, reducer, agricultural self-propelled forage harvester and other products. The company developed "Hongyu" brand series of products which have passed ISO9001 quality system certification, and the products are exported to Japan, Korea, Singapore, the UK and more than 20 countries. The total investment is 350 million yuan, and covers an area of 167 mu. In 2009, the enterprise invests 130 million yuan to complete the machine processing workshop, precision casting workshop, cutting paint shop and other construction projects, and is in that year put into production.In 2010, the company invested 95 million yuan to implement reducer workshop, sand casting workshop, automatic mechanical processing workshop, assembling workshop, forging shop and other projects, and has been put into production with the processing precision parts 200000 pieces, reducer units machine 7200 units and the annual output value of 220 million yuan; In 2012, the company invested 125 million yuan to start the construction of agricultural self-propelled forage harvester production project, and the workshops are ongoing construction and now in volume production.
  • 所在地区:内蒙古赤峰市翁牛特旗
  • 行业分类:普通机械制造业
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司
  • 注册资金:11000万人民币[RMB]
  • 经营方式:生产型
  • 员工人数:301-500人
  • 地址:内蒙古自治区 赤峰市 翁牛特旗 玉龙工业园区北区
  • 邮编:24500
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